Tuesday, May 29, 2012

School & Church

Ahoj! It's our 6th night in Czech! Our empty apartment is slowly but surely becoming a summer home. We've unpacked and settled in to out spots. We've put together a sitting area in the room with the best lighting that provides the best spot for quiet time and rest. The location of our apartment can't be better! we are only a ten minute walk from the town square and 12 minutes from the Poland border. We've done a couple of school visits already and they've been a blast! We're getting to interact with students in their own enviroments and answering their questions. Today we were asked a couple of times about being Christians. That was a neat opportunity for us to share about why we are here. Esther took the lead on sharing about English camps and our purpose qhile Chelsie danced. We're slowly adapting to the train system... It's not the easiest to learn. On Sunday morning we attended a Czech church. It is just around the block from our apartment! It was exactly two hours long and ALL in Czech. Just to clarify... I can't understand any Czech. So here was the solution: they gave us a headphone to stick on our ear and told us to put the little radio on channel 7. This means that while Czech was overwhelming my brain, they added broken english translations into my left ear. This exhausted every morsel of my brain. Here's the cool part: We got to watch a church full of Czechs worshipping our God with tears and prayers and focus. I love that my God is truly the same yesterday and today, the same in North America and Central/Eastern Europe. I'm thrilled to be a part of the summer here in Czech. And we are beyond thankful to have you partnering with us in prayer and support! Thanks for keeping up with us! Tomorrow begins the amazing race. We have no idea what that has in store for us other than that we will be stretched and challenged. After three days of racing we will be at Hotel Malenovice for training for the dummer. We'll update you as soon as we have a chance! Cau! Sarah


  1. Good luck on your amazing race. Amy wanted to emphasize that we love you guys! God is doing great things across continents and we are so blessed to be apart of it this summer.

    -Bonsai, Amy, Jim, Rebecca, Kimber, and Daniel

  2. Hello!! and thank you! I'm so glad to have found you here.
    We love you too!

    Esther, Chelsie, and Sarah.
