Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fresh cut flowers

Hey all!  It's Chelsie here. As you have probably heard we have made our landing in the wide open lands of central Europe. The clouds take over the sky and there are trees outside the place where we are staying are so cool! they are almost like pine trees with swirly bristles which almost remind me of a corkscrew tree on a really small level. We are staying at the church in the community and the inside is so beautiful in the way that when you enter you can almost feel the mood and history of the space within the sanctuary. It was really special that we were allowed to go in. Esther played the Piano...and she is SO GOOD. I dont know if she knows this but listening to her play behind her I started cry. It was a treat to be able to listen to her. She played while I was walking through. Before this day it was our first school visits! WHEW! It was AWESOME! I didnt have any prior expectations AT ALL walking in and it was so cool! On our first arrival we were set down in a what would be almost an office for the english professors there at the school. There were four stations with desks and cabinets along the walls on both sides of the room. On the back wall was a window and in the middle was arranged the chairs where we sat in between the classrooms. Two cushioned chairs were side by side facing the other two chairs facing forward and in between the set of chairs was a table. It was so awesome! In Czech, meat is a pretty big thing I'd say. They had for us when we sat down four glass cups with a huge tall water jug. (There water here is really tall...1,5 l to be exact) and also an assortment of meat(two types of salami, turkey maybe, and some other meats that im not sure of) on a plate with long skiny preztels to pair it! I remember Sarah saying that she really enjoyed the Pretzels with fact that it was such a delightful combination. Among each gathering we would discuss the level or years of english each class had taken and figure out what kind of English we could use for them. The first class was of Ten and Eleven year olds! They were precious. The second were seventeen year olds and it was a french Class (meaning that they were learning french they were aldready advanced in English because they knew every word we were saying and the Spoke there Native Language which for me I would say Czech...They are Ah-mazing!) The third class was 18 year olds...There were probably about 15 students, all girls except for two boys and there was only one boy that day. Then for each class we would introduce ourselves! Chelsie, Esther, and Sarah. Esther would give amazing stories of Canada and its Indepence and facts about Canada that literally blew everyone out of the water. Im pretty sure, and i wont speak for Sarah, but im 99.17% sure she knew more about The United States than I did. It was awesome. I learned many things. For example its the second largest land mass in the world. Oh, okay. Also that she lives in the warmest part. One girl really liked that Esther was from Canada, she was excited. Then Sarah and I would talk about the biggest things that happen that people come for all over the world. Those things being 4th of July, and the Derby. We talked about other things too each class but those were our go to's.  We played heads up seven up with the kiddies and im pretty sure they liked it. One of the English teachers told us that he taught another class!! Cool! Then we would split into three groups and each one of the us girls would take a group and just talk to them. IT WAS SO COOL! It didnt even process for me really that they hadnt been speaking all of there life. It was so easy for me to understand them.  After our school visits we went to this restaurant!! It was awesome. I used the bathroom before this but I might as well take this an opportunity to share about the bathrooms since as humans we spend a lot of time there. They usually in some have two buttons in order to conserve water(one being for one and one being for the other one). Its really Great. The toilet paper looks like brown paper towels that you would see in a school bathroom to dry your hands off, but then its a little bit softer. Which is really awesome because I can use soft toilet paper but its sometimes puts you in some smooshy situations. But then we had the lunch special! Its very typical before every meal in Czech for them to serve soup. Soup and a meal! We all had the same soup it was a really light but creamy broccoli soup. I am not kidding you when I say that it was the most delicious soup Ive ever had. It was so good. Then with meals Im pretty sure that all three of us (Sarah, Esther, and I) had the fried hamburger meal on top of sour crout, and potatos that were boiled and just a tad buttery with a garnish of green sprinkles on top!  Recap: SO GOOD. -Chelsie

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