Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Welcome to Camp English Part I, 2012

Hello from English Camp!!!

We have been running around since... well, for quite some time. Camp officially began last Saturday morning.
Thank you all so much for your prayers! Things have been going very well. During the day, we have English classes, workshops and sports. Many of the English teachers are 'first-timers' and we are quickly learning how best to teach our individual classes - thank You LORD! The workshops are a great idea; both Americans and Czechs are discipling the students in the skills they have been equipped with. Shelly is a wonder at the sporting events! We have an 'English Camp Olympics 2012' theme going; it is obvious that Shelly has put a lot of time and creativity into these events. 

Durning the evening program, there are games, dancing, singing, skits, and a teaching; afterward we have small group discussions. The teachings follow the parable of the Prodigal Son, a skeleton has been provided by Josiah Venture and each speaker is putting their own flare to the 'flesh' of the talks. So far each night, the evening program ends with a cliff-hanger; the students are very engaged and eager to know how the story ends. During small groups, leaders are guided by questions that have been prepared to go along with the evening talks. Magda is my Czech-speaking small group leader and she does a wonderful job leading the girls. They like her so much. Tonight, I will be sharing my testimony with the small group (Magda will translate). The teaching will introduce the older brother... someone I can relate to very well. For a good portion of my life, and somewhat still today, I was bound by laws; God is so gracious in leading me back into the freedom I have in Christ. 
Slowly, we are building up to the good news of Jesus Christ... the anticipation is AWESOME!! 

Please continue to pray for us!! Thank you!

Rejoice in the Lord, always!


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